Monday, March 31, 2014

I can't believe how the time has flown! Already tomorrow shall we be one month closer to the rough winds of May, and I barely have a weekend to myself throughout the whole of April. But that only means joyous things to me as the Duke of Albany travels across the Continent and joins me once again. 

Where to begin?

I suppose the artist's eventual repercussions need to be discussed after her ghastly treatment of me, though I do promise that I was swift and only slightly less just than I should have been...

Indeed, I also have the pleasure of sashaying through delightful memories from the weekend. The brunette (of all people) and Armiger surprised me with a visit to the City of a Hundred Spires, and we gossiped, and laughed, and drank to our hearts' content. 

Though I suppose, first, I shall quickly skim over my latest rendez vous with the artist.

After I showed my face and was so warmly received by the Duke's family at his home here in Bohemia and managed to waylay the artist ever so briefly, I was surprised to receive an invitation from the painter. She had made it quite clear that she had no interest in painting me ever again, and truly I cannot imagine what else we would say to each other. 

So to tea I went. It's normally a fruit tea of sorts in Bohemia, so I had Jeeves bring with us some English tea as I can't stand the boiled citrus fruits that are claimed to be tea! I was right, of course, lemon and apple I think were the combinations on offer, but before I so rudely poured my own tea, the artist asked me if I knew how many paintings she'd done for the Duke.

A silly question, or so I thought, but I did assume I was not the first. I hazarded a guess at two or three, mainly because the Duke had mentioned one or two names to me previously, and as much as an honour it was to be asked, I am not completely naive. 

I do wish I'd aimed higher however, as the artist showed me sketches of seventeen other women, all of whom have had their likenesses painted by this artist in some glorified silhouette.  I didn't want to rise to the bait, and I casually shrugged it off with a nonchalant, 'everyone has the right to a past,' but I do fear the Duke may have some explaining to do when he returns next week! 

According to the artist she doesn't want to have to paint one of the Duke's women more than once, because no woman should have to suffer through that repetition of being marked and tagged more than once. I snidely asked if she'd ever had to do a self portrait for his collection, and she scowled at the insinuation. 

Of course the Duke has a past! I have a past and I'm sure he'd be horrified to hear about some of the things I've done in my life. But c'est la vie. We eventually parted ways and I shall make no more contact with her, the artist. She lives a provincial life and she certainly wouldn't have understood the drunken debauchery the brunette, Armiger and I sank into this weekend!

It was an absolute delight to see them, despite being for such a short time. I couldn't remember the last time we three had been all together, especially on the Continent! But we certainly made up for lost time as we partied and danced and laughed our way into the early morn. It was a weekend I shall never forget. I truly adore my friends and was grateful that many conversations were left unsaid as we rekindled our platonic relationships. 

I am to travel again this weekend, to the West of Bohemia and visit some more local friends. I'm intrigued as I do love going to places I've never seen before, but am not sure what to expect. No doubt that means an extra suitcase or three, but it would be terribly bad manners to turn up under-dressed! 

Keeping busy is keeping me distracted from the words the artist told me, and allows me no time to think of the Duke's absence. I will have him in my arms, to hold (and ask a question or two) in ten days. I am tingling at the very thought!

D. S.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring has certainly sprung, however that means when the sun is not shining, the heavens are opening. We have suffered a deluge of rain the last two days, though it did work in my favour...

I finally heard back from Duke of Albany's household after I invited myself over to his Château and I travelled there with Jeeves on the last day of the working week. We were warmly received and I was reminded of how well they all treated me after I last returned from the Shire. I mustn't assume they think badly of me for taking the Duke away from his responsibilities; for all I know they want him to broaden his horizons and learn from his experiences. 

Jeeves and I were due to only stay for the one night and a day, enjoying the sights and sounds of the Bohemian countryside (as well as trying to 'accidentally' bump into the artist) but because of the rain we did not return until this morning!

I did eventually have the pleasure of artist's company, but not until yesterday, and we made small talk about the changeable weather, but she allowed me no further enquiries about another painting. And, though I still find it difficult to believe, she even went so far as to deny me the right of seeing the previous and original painting of myself as Aphrodite.

Further arrangements have been made for me to get what I want. It's not often that I am not only rejected, but forced to take another's decision! I do not know what game this artist is playing but I shall certainly find out, and I hope to have it all sorted before my Duke returns to Bohemia. 

I don't want him thinking I am irresponsible and take pleasure in petty arguments...

D. S.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The sun is shining and the birds are singing; Spring is most definitely in the air and it feels delightful. I long for the lazy summer days in the Shire, but there is talk of returning to the Convent in Brighthelmstone for a few weeks... Belle and I want to relive the the magical weeks from last year and I know that the Duke will stay by my side throughout July and August. Especially as this will give us some extra time together before our more permanent positioning in the North as of September

The Duke of Albany is very vague about what sort of property he is looking for in the Northern counties whenever he writes to me. I do wish I could be in my home country and share this experience with him. I know I shall not be living with him, only rendez vous when my Royal charge allows, and there are times when I can imagine the two will clash and cause frustrations. 

Love and duty are not always the same thing...

I have asked the Duke's household here in Bohemia to allow me to pay a visit and my respects to his family. I can only imagine how his parents feel knowing that I have taken their only son away from his duty to his country and I wish to make amends, and at least salvage our relationship with happy memories. 

There is, however, an ulterior motive to this visit. I know that the artist is a part of the Duke's retinue and if I can't get her to agree to come and visit me, then I shall have to go to her. Also I wish to gaze upon the original painting of myself draped and undressed as Aphrodite. I don't think I have actually yet had the pleasure of staring at the painting in all its glory and it's a waste of the artist's talent to keep it hidden from view. 

I am still waiting to hear back from the Duke's household, but I'm sure it shall not be long now, until then I plan to enjoy the sunshine. I may even pen my dear Duke a letter. 

D. S.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Another weekend of fun and games has passed, all the while keeping me distracted from the artist - distracted but not forgotten. I have a small plan in mind, though I dare not write it down for fear of the artist's cunning finding out a secret or two before the time is right. 

Jeeves and I travelled with some Ladies of high standing to Moravia so that we could taste the finest wines the region has to offer. It would have been perfect had I not been suffering with a head cold, though the other ladies more than made up for my inability to wallow in the usual debauchery. I do hope we can spend more time together as they are the most delightful Ladies and they keep my spirits jovial when I miss my darling Duke of Albany. 

The artist of course has continued to ignore my pleas, though I'm now persevering more to irritate her, rather than expecting her to change her mind. It gives me little pleasure but after the way she has treated me I cannot do nothing. And it's not yet time for my plan to be put into action. Until the Duke returns to Bohemia I have very little to entertain me, though Jeeves is doing his best to keep me at ease. 

If only it were that simple. I miss the Duke every day and even my scheming cannot abate the hole in my heart. I long for the months when we can be together under the English summer sun. Not long now... 

D. S.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Affronted doesn't even begin to cover how I feel. Last week I wrote of my intentions to pursue the artist to commission another painting as a surprise for the Duke on his return next month (and to keep me out of trouble).

I wrote to the artist the following day asking for a rendez vous at her discretion, I have no want for the Duke's court giving my secret away, but she declined! No reason was given, and she didn't even honour me with the common courtesy of an excuse. She was blunt and to the point, as her nature is wont to do, but the thought of her arrogance sticks in my throat. 

Of course I cannot dare write to the Duke and ask him to intervene, it would give the game away, and I have never been one to shy away behind the might of men. The artist has not heard the last from me, though I do realise I shall have to be a little more delicate in this matter. She is a wily one and doesn't follow the etiquette of court, which means I shall have to be more devious. 

The weekend draws near but plans have been made for the Jester and I to travel south to Moravia. I have even managed to convince an Irish lady who knows how to have a good time to join us, I'm glad I have better luck here than with the artist. I cannot think what to do as of yet, but no doubt something will come to mind soon enough, and a weekend away shall clear my head. 

D. S. 

Friday, March 07, 2014

Another week is coming to a close and while I lie in bed and count the days until the Duke's arrival, I cannot help but feel I am allowing myself to wallow in self-pity.

It's rather disturbing because I have never been of a melancholy nature, rather always one to make the most of a situation. But without the Duke by my side, I am finding it rather difficult to keep my spirits up.

My writing has taken over my life, which I suppose is the most positive outcome while I wait for the Duke to sort out his accommodation in the Northern Counties. I long to see what he shall purchase; if it is anything like the properties he calls home here in Bohemia, no doubt they shall be spectacular.

I have not yet had a letter from him, though Jeeves assures me that the moment one arrives it shall be planted in my hand with the utmost care and speed. Though it saddens me not to have heard from him, I do have to admit that I too have neglected to send him a letter as of yet... In many respects, we truly are as bad as each other.

The contours of the gorgeous sapphic lover have kept me entertained in my bedroom, so much so that we spent two days wrapped up between the sheets. But though she is wonderful, she does not have the same zest for life nor sparkle in her eye that the brunette used to have. I never thought that I would long for my past lovers, and I don't, but the brunette was special as she initiated me into the ways of the sapphic world.

Maybe I shall contact the artist and have another painting done as a present for the Duke on his return? That sounds like a sensible way to keep me entertained and distracted from my boredom...

D. S.

Monday, March 03, 2014

I have had to contend with a week of varying degrees of solitude now that the Duke is making arrangements for our future in the Northern counties and I still reside in his beloved Bohemia. Though it is nothing to what we have done before, I have another five weeks to go before I can hold him and kiss him.

Long distance is never ideal, and though I worry not for our inflamed passion for each other, I am still anxious about the time we shall spend apart.

I miss the Duke of Albany terribly and am reminded of the time and distance the Captain and I attempted to conquer, to no avail. But this is different because our future is tangible and so within reach. A couple of months when there is a destination in sight is nothing in comparison to a lifetime's worth of travel across the globe.

To pass the time I have enjoyed many walks in the Spring sunshine and I long for the Summer with the Duke and Belle. I know that they met over New Year's Eve but it shall interest me to see how they fare over a longer period of time... Indeed I am intrigued as to how the Duke and I shall cope, as we shall have spent so much time apart before thrust back together in the North!

Walking has not been my only form of entertainment; I took the advice of a wise old friend and made the most of the Duke's sapphic lover. I was fortunate enough that the Duke left me in her capable hands, with a promise to enjoy myself and indulge in my curiosities. It makes me smile when I think about how much he cares about my own pleasure and not just his own... Unlike so many other men I have known.

I look forward to hearing from him and I hope to receive a letter shortly; to think our entire relationship started because of a letter and a disguise.

I miss him terribly but this month will fly by... I hope.


D. S.